Sunday, April 15, 2012

That's Queen Bitch To You!

I - for all intents and purposes- am a self-admitted BITCH. I bitch at home, I bitch at my friends, I bitch at people who need to be put in their place, I bitch at attention whores who don't have what it takes to get attention, I bitch at strangers or at any other person whom I can bitch at, mostly boys. And I think that's one of the reason why I find it hard to land myself a boyfriend.

Why? Because men these days find assertive and feisty women too intimidating for their taste. They favor girls who are "sugar and everything nice" -- without the spice. These are your typical girls - meek, submissive, fragile. In short, a damsel in distress. These are the very women who would rather cry than fight back when they're being bullied. The type that you always see in Pinoy Teleseryes -- the api-apihan type that always need to be saved. Hah! A bunch of wussies, if you ask me.

Anyway, this post is not intended to showcase my bitchiness but that of famous bitches who ruled the screens - big and small. So let's see what these bitches have to offer.

1. Blair Waldorf


My favorite bitch of all, Blair Waldorf (portrayed by Leighton Meester) is the queen bitch bee of Manhattan's social scene. Everyone who reads and watches Gossip Girl loves her. She is known for wanting to be always on top of everything and the center of attention. What I love most about her? She may be a bitch but she does it with style.

2. Georgina Sparks


Still on Gossip Girl, Georgina is my second favorite Bitch next to Blair. But unlike Blair who bitches to uphold her social status, Georgina bitches just for the fun of it. She loves scheming and making people's lives miserable. Most often than not, she uses blackmail to get what she wants. Isn't that fun or what?

3. Regina George


Quoting Janis from Mean Girls "How do I even begin to explain Regina George? Evil takes a human form in Regina George. Don't be fooled because she may seem like your typical selfish, back-stabbing slut faced ho-bag, but in reality, she's so much more than that."

4. Faye Chamberlain


I have only watched a couple of episodes of The Secret Circle and I'm already liking Faye Chamberlain. She's a selfish and free-spirited bitch who doesn't seem to give a damn about anything and is bent to using her powers to personal gain. The girl got an attitude!

5. Rachel Witchburn


Loosely based on Snow White's Evil Queen, Rachel Witchburn is the president of sorority and student council. Like the stereotype evil queen, she rules her "kingdom" with iron fist and ruthless ways. The only difference between her and the evil queen, she's a lot younger and prettier.

6. Cordelia Chase


I spent most of my childhood days watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And one of the show's characters that I grew to love was Cordelia Chase. Like all the mentioned bitches above, she's stuck-up and self-centered as well. But her superficial personality is what makes her funny and entertaining to watch.

7. Courtney Alice Shayne


Of all the list, Courtney of the 90's movie Jawbreaker, described as "Satan in Heels," is the worst since she resorted to intentionally murdering her best friend out of jealousy of popularity. She is not just a self-absorbed high school senior, but a cruel and sociopathic bitch at that. Pretty scary chick, huh?

Being a bitch is a tough act to follow, though I find it really easier to achieve than being nice. While it requires a lot of effort and patience to play nice, it only takes a little provocation and an annoying person to be a bitch. So let's all be a BITCH! LOL

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