Friday, January 13, 2012

Delusions Of A Hopeless Romantic

"Don't worry about losing in love. If it is real, it will happen. The main thing is not to hurry. Take your time and take it easy. The right one will come along eventually."

It's already 6:00pm and not a single minute was given to my priority list. Yes sir, procrastination at its finest! Oh well, the sooner I finish this, the sooner I get back to my regular programming...

When I was a child, I used to believe that fairy tale romances do exist in the real world. That there are many real-life princesses who found their prince-charmings and managed to be swept up from their feet. My illusions unleashed the love junkie in me. I would imagine myself as a princess in a far away castle waiting for my handsome prince to come. At times, I would wear a tiara in my head and wrap a blanket around me, channeling a royalty. I was so caught up in my make-believe world that I became a sucker for fairy tale weddings....

As I grew up, my unrealistic view on love began to subside. Though it didn't completely change, I came to accept the fact that fairy tales don't exist in the real world. So to make up for the loss of my delusions, the love junkie in me learned to feed on romance novels. I could go on for a day, reading pocketbooks in my Mama Helen's house. I was only 12 years old at the time. As a result, I transitioned from a fairy tale junkie to a hopeless romantic. For every pocketbook that I read, I fell in love with the perfect man I came across with....

Then, I would often dream of meeting that perfect man in the real world. From adolescence to adulthood, I strongly believed that a man like that really existed. Oh boy, was I wrong. And it took a couple of "reality bites" before I was truly enlightened. I was introduced to the real-life love and romance. My eyes were opened to the real deal. So I experienced my fair share of heartaches, shed a tear every now and then. I lost some, won some. If truth be told, I don't really consider myself lucky in love. Either I like the guy but he doesn't like me, or he likes me but it's not reciprocated, or we like each other but it didn't happen. The end result: forever alone.

Hahah, just kidding! I don't believe I'm that hopeless. I mean c'mon, I'm only 24 yrs. old. I'm barely an old maid. And it's not like I'm in a hurry to find love. Honestly, I don't mind not having a boyfriend for a while, or till next year, or the year after that. I can't say I'm exactly happy with being single, I'm just content with it. And it's my prerogative. And based from my experience, it's best to remain single than to go for a guy whom I'm not really into. I've been burned before and I don't want to go through that again. Honestly though, those past experiences shaped me into being sensible and realistic in love. No longer was I imagining a prince, a knight in shining armor, or even Mr. Right. Fantasy and reality are two different worlds and they will never combine. Because if I choose to continue with that pretense, I would probably end up looking like this.....

And so to all the girls out there looking for Mr. Right or Mr. Perfect, I suggest that you stop looking. Because THERE IS NO SUCH THING. Hahahah. Oh, I'm not being mean here. I'm just stating a cold, hard, and proven FACT. Now, deal with it or be forever alone. Why don't you ask your guy friends and see for yourself? They will just probably laugh at you and tell you to GTFO....

As for me, I've long abandoned the search for Mr. Right. Oh, I'm still romantic, but not hopeless anymore. I still read romance novels every now and then, watch romantic comedies and fall in love with the ridiculously gorgeous leading men. The only difference is that I'm still very much rooted to reality. Though I would still prefer to meet Mr. Nearly Perfect (if he ever exists) one day, I have no qualms in ending up with Mr. Regular guy or Mr. Just-The-Right-One for me.. And I'm in no hurry to find him either...=)♥

"You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly." - Sam Keen

1 comment:

  1. Loved this! So wickedly true and hilarious
