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"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle." - Abraham Lincoln
Are you currently working at a job you are highly passionate about, or at least you like? Are you happy at the direction where your career is going? Or are you stuck at a crappy job that you've been dying to get out of but can't due to various reasons?
I have to be honest here. This post is inspired by an article in a site full of relevant and relatable writing, titled: 10 Reasons To Go For Your Dream Job written by one of my favorite writers there. You may want to check it out because as Lindsay Lohan put it in Mean Girls, it's "Grool."
At 25 years of age, I can say that I'm happy with my job. It may not give me tons of money to sit back and relax for a whole week or travel the world without caring about my expenditures. But it gives me the right amount to make both ends meet and afford a little pampering every now and then. And since I'm keeping track of my income, I'm making a point to increase it month after month. Plus, it allows me to take a break at for at least three days if I want to and work on my own time schedule without worrying about a boss berating me for logging into Facebook or Twitter during office hours.
My job is to write. And with writing comes learning. I can't write a topic without conducting a thorough research about it. So I can safely say that my job is pretty multifaceted. One day I could be a relationship guru, the following day a medical practitioner, the next an MLM leader, and the day after that, a novelist. If you ask me, how the hell do I manage to pull it off - I have no idea.
Most important of all, my job gives me a great sense of fulfillment, self-worth, and a purpose in life. So you can say that I'm reeking with so much positivity right now. But like any other ordinary person, I got stuck in a crappy job with a low paycheck too. For two full years, I stressed myself for doing something that I don't even like. Good thing I came around and now I couldn't be any happier for choosing the career that I've always wanted.
Wouldn't the world be a much happier place if every single person is working on a job that he/she loves regardless if it's fully compensating him/her or not? You may be wondering, "why should I pursue my dream job if my current job pays me thrice as much as my dream job will ever do?" Then nothing to see here, baby. Kidding.
Going after your dream career is not easy. You may not get it after your first try or you may fail over and over again, finally resolving that that path may not be for you after all. Or you may be compelled to put it on hold due to financial and other personal reasons. And of course, there's this fear of getting criticized and looked down on by your family and friends for choosing a job which for them is not worth giving a try. Now, that's a total downer. But should you really let these hindrances get to you and win you over? I know, easier said than done right?
But you know what? If you really put your heart into it, you'll realize that it's not that hard to accomplish. Sure, you'll meet a few bumps along the way. You'll probably get bruises too. But that's what make the road to your dream job more fun and exciting. Nothing is more unchallenging than getting a job without having to sweat for it. Trust me, been there, done that.
And you know what? People will always criticize you anyway. The saying, "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" holds true in every aspect of your life. So just let them criticize you. But instead of letting it get the better of you, take it with a grain of salt. Use that criticism to improve on your craft. But don't do it for them, do it for yourself.
When you feel like you're going nowhere and on the brink of giving up, hey, there's always a tomorrow, which means you have more chances of working on it. Just don't get too excited. Breathe and take it one step at a time.
After all, it's never too late to go after what you want. Now, get up and start chasing your dream.